Monday, April 4, 2011

Week 8

Tuesday - Ethical Conduct (Morning) and Design (Afternoon):
I wasn't feeling too well so I didn't come in.
I emailed in my assignment for my Design class with Greg.

We were asked to compose two jpeg images of homepage designs for "Strathcona Riding Club".
Here's one of the images:
and the other:

Wednesday - Using Mark Up Language and Cascading Style Sheets (HTML & CSS):
We went through chapters 12 and 13 of the Head First book we've been learning from so far.
Some good stuff about creating page layouts with multiple columns, floating elements, usability, positioning, etc.  Then we started working with tables before the day was over.

Two-Column Layout:

Friday - Operate Computing Packages (Morning) and Using Adobe Flash (Afternoon):

Morning - Excel:
Starting to regret skipping the challenge test.  The stuff we're covering is really basic...  Really basic.  A few things, I was unaware of.  But nothing hugely significant.  At least it's easy and not overly comprehensive.

Afternoon - Flash:
We started making an animation of a Heinz soup can juggling some vegitables using most of the tools we've learned so far.  Not finished yet but I'll probably upload it when it is.

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