Thursday, May 5, 2011

Term 2 - Week 2

Tuesday - Ethical Conduct (Morning) and Design (Afternoon):

Morning - Ethical Conduct:
Our final Ethical Conduct assignment was due but I hadn't completed it because I was having a hard time understanding what was needed.  After speaking with John (teacher) about some examples and looking at a previous student's work, I have a much better idea of what I need to do.

Afternoon - Design:
We started working on a new assignment, 'Pies R Us'.  The assignment is to create a mockup of a website about a "delivered pies on demand" service.  We are also required to create mockups of any subsequent pages linked from the homepage so we can create a working prototype later in the term.
So far I have most of the homepage completed.

Wednesday - Using Mark Up Language and Cascading Style Sheets (HTML & CSS):
 In the morning we started work on replicating a design from CSS Garden's website.  We have a basic XHTML structure and we'll be creating Cascading Style Sheets to make the site look vastly different without editing the XHTML at all.  I've been picking up some interesting tips and tricks for using CSS to manipulate the look and feel of a website.

We spent the afternoon working on our Assignments.

Friday - Operate Computing Packages (Morning) and Using Adobe Photoshop (Afternoon):

Morning - Access:
We are starting to use Microsoft Access from this week forward.  However, this week is a challenge test to determine whether we should attend the lessons or not.
I know nothing about Microsoft Access so I'll just be attending the lessons starting from next week.

Afternoon - Flash & Photoshop:
We covered some basic selection techniques and layer techniques in Photoshop.  Most of which, I already knew but it was a decent refresher.
We also worked with Flash for a little while creating some labeled shape buttons and invisible buttons.

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