Thursday, May 26, 2011

Term 2 - Week 4

Tuesday - Create User Documentation (Morning) and Design (Afternoon):

In the morning, JC spoke about User Documentation.  We received a second assignment for the topic.  JC went through the assignment with us.  We also compared the differences between two types of User Documentation.

In the afternoon, we were working with our assignments.  I had already finished mine so I left early.

Wednesday - XHTML & CSS:

In the morning, we finished working on a replica of a movie theatre themed CSS design from CSS Zen Garden.

We also started on a new CSS design themed around the ocean and sealife.

In the afternoon we recieved the dates for our XHTML/CSS assignment and exams.
We spent the rest of the day working on our assignments.  Mine is almost done so I left early.

Friday - Using Computing Packages (Morning) and Using Adobe Suite (Afternoon):

Morning - Access:
We continued from last week, learning about tables, forms and queries.
Afternoon - Photoshop & Flash:
We started with some photoshop, using smart objects, selection methods and masking.
Later in the lesson we moved on to some Flash, creating invisible buttons, making slideshows and writing some actionscript.

We recieved another assignment for Flash as well.

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